How do I start?

This guide describes how to setup your Tisane trial account. The steps you need to complete are as follows:

  • Step 1 – Create an Account
  • Step 2 – Save Your API Key
  • Step 3 – Integrate the API
  • Step 4 – Send Requests & Read Responses

Step 1 – Create an Account

Please navigate to Sign up to Tisane API. The free Community Plan allows up to 50,000 requests but comes with a limitation of 10 requests per minute. If you would like more than that, please let us know and we’ll upgrade you for 1 month to eliminate the restriction.

Step 2 – Save Your API Key

You will need the API key to make requests. Open your Developer Profile to find your API keys.

Step 2 – Integrate with the API

Open the Tisane API Docs to learn more about the full API spec.

In summary, it’s a RESTful POST method with 3 attributes: content, language, and settings. All 3 attributes are mandatory. For example: {"language": "en", "content": "hello", "settings": {}}

There are code examples for popular languages at the bottom of the API Docs page.

Step 3 – Send Requests & Read Responses

You can test using Postman, Insomnia, or any other type of RESTful test tool. Simply send API requests to the endpoint, and read the responses.

Screenshot: a curl code snippet to send a Tisane request
Screenshot: a curl code snippet to send a Tisane request

Here’s what that looks like in Postman.

Configure the URL and Header:

Screenshot: specifying the API key in Postman
Screenshot: specifying the API key in Postman

Configure the Request Body:

Screenshot: specifying the body in Postman
Screenshot: specifying the body in Postman

Send the Request and Read the Response:

Screenshot: viewing the response body in Postman
Screenshot: viewing the response body in Postman