How do I detect criminal activity?

Tisane logs the instances of detected criminal activity in the abuse section (see How to detect abuse? for information how to work with the abuse detection) with the type attribute set to criminal_activity.

As far as criminal activities are concerned, we detect:

  • attempts to plan and coordinate transportation, distribution, and manufacturing of illicit items like narcotics, arms, explosives, poached wildlife
  • attempts to traffic or sell human organs and humans
  • inquiries and instructions on how to create, manufacture, distribute, and operate arms, narcotics, explosives, and weapons of mass destruction such as chemical and biological weapons
  • threats to commit violence and crime
  • searches about restricted items such as firearms, ammunition, explosive precursors (to parse search queries, you need to set the format setting to search)

Note that the criminal activity type is not the same as conversations about crime or allegations. Read more here.

We also provide expanded tagging, when possible. For example, we tag the type of drugs: soft drug, hard drug, cannabis, ecstasy, opioids, cocaine, amphetamines, hallucinogens, khat. When available, the additional tags are located under the tags attribute.


Law enforcement users often operate offline. To accommodate these needs, Tisane Embedded edition operates as an in-process library rather than a web-based service. Tisane Embedded can run in a standalone application on a regular PC.

A demo PowerShell script to process an Excel spreadsheet using Tisane Embedded is available here.

Obviously, we don’t do sleuthing, we merely process textual content and tag what we believe are suspicious instances. We also do not set the policy. Similarly to software packages used in the media monitoring or content moderation, the purpose of the service is to reduce the need to sift through irrelevant content.

While we don’t provide content to be processed, we work with a wide array of partners who do, from the standard Facebook and Twitter feeds, to Tor-only Darknet markets.

Contact us for more information, sign up to our free plan, or play with our demos.