What value can Tisane provide to aggregators of user content/reviews?

Simply stockpiling unprocessed user content is no longer an option. The more useful and comprehensive your enriched content is, the higher the value of your data.

With Tisane API, you can:

  • extract topics and entities
  • provide hyper-targeted, granular opinion tagging; not a blanket, meaningless score for the entire post, but an array of scores for every factor in a review or a post
  • weed out bad and malicious content, detecting criminal activity, unwanted sexual advances, hate speech
  • easily create intelligent and targeted datasets to sell to AI companies
  • derive locations, date/time references in the posts, and more
  • grow your own IP by customizing language models, what is being extracted, how it is extracted, offering more than the traditional vendors

With Tisane API, you can support tens of languages, and reuse your source code in all the languages that Tisane supports.